One of the biggest parts of my life, my identity, is that I'm LDS (Latter-day Saint) or more commonly known as Mormon. I have been my whole life. Don't believe everything you hear about us. This really isn't the place to talk about all of that, but if you have any questions, feel free to check out the church website or you can ask me (but I beg that you don't leave comments attacking me or my religion. It goes against everything nerdfighter/awesome).
Also, as long as we are still being serious, my mom passed away a little over a month before my eleventh birthday. Oct. 12, 1999. This is a HUGE part of who I am and what I believe. It also dominates my memory and I miss her everyday. This October will mark the tenth year I've lived without seeing her, but I know she's with me everyday. I don't want to go into details, because I am close to tears just thing about things I want to say, but, in the unoffical words of Edward Cullen in Midnight Sun, I want to "keep it light."
Yes, I am also one of those Twilight girls. I first read the series just before Christmas in 2007, all three books in 4 days. I was hooked. I followed all the news I could get my hands on about the movie, which was just getting underway at that point. Last August, I went to a midnight release for Breaking Dawn and bought a copy there, even though I had preodered a copy on amazon. (I needed two anyway because I have two copies of all the others.) My roommates and I dressed up, as the books. Our picture was in the campus newspaper even. I'm sure if the BYU bookstore had been holding a costume contest we would have won. Here's a picture!

Heck, we were even put on Stephenie Meyer's website (about halfway down, between a Jacob with a bunch of Bella's going to prom and and an Entertainment Weekly). We thought that was pretty cool.
In other news, I am an author. Don't worry, you haven't heard of me (I know you were so worried about that). I started my six part series in sixth grade, after reading Harry Potter (yeah, I'm also one of those people). My story has changed a lot since then and I'm half way through typing my first book. I actually have the first three and a half done, not to mention bits and pieces of the other books, but it's all hand written.
So what is the series about? you may ask. WELL! It's about this teenage American witch who just happens to be the target of the most evil creature known to mankind. Not because of some prophecy. No. It's because she is the future queen of the Magical Kingdom of the New World. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, she is a princess. The series follows her though six years of her magical education, her battles against evil, and her trials with love. Actually, it's very heavey in the romance department. I know less about the magic than I do about how the relationships end. :) hehe. (Again, feel free to ask about it! You'd make my day.)
My goal, as stated in a pervious BEDA post, is that I finish typing by November and start contacting publishers before the new year.
You might have deduced, using your super spidy senses or your stealthy nerdfighter powers of awesomeness or your ability to read, that I go to Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah. I am only a sophomore and I haven't actually declaired my major yet, which is English Teaching. (PS- how cool would it be if your high school English teacher was also a famous author? That's my goal.) This is my last semester for a while however, because I'm taking the rest of the year off and moving to Hawaii. I haven't decided when I'm coming back, if I even will come back to Provo. So future plans are still up in the air right now.
Some of my other passions.
- Music, playing. I started on the flute in fourth grade. Then in high school, I played piccolo in marching band (I'm just all kinds of nerd) and switched to French horn for concert session. I was Drum Major for two years (they're the ones who stand on those wricketty ladders and wave their arms around so everyone knows where the heck they are in the music) and I also played in the steel band.
- Music, listening to. Who doesn't like that, right? I'm super excited about going to a We Shot the Moon concert in May. VERY VERY excited. I heart them, MUCHO! Listen to them and love them and tell your friends about them.
- Reading. DUH! I just finished Looking for Alaska (John Green, but I bet you knew that) about an hour ago. Seriously. I finished it and started this. So far this year I've read 17 books. I don't have a goal to hit, but I just want to read AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!! this year.
- Children. Seriously, they are amazing. Funny, honest, absolutely adorable, and hyper. What more could you want in a friend?
- Guys, the male species (human, just thought I should clarify. I'm not THAT kind of girl). Really. I don't have a type because too much is appealing and I can't pick. I just love guys.
So, yeah, that's me in a (pretty detailed) nutshell. Oh and I'm 20 years old with long brown hair that I've cut myself for about three years; I'm orginally from Phoenix, AZ; I'm about 5'8"; eat like a fat kid cuz I am one; easliy excitable; enjoys long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and cuddling- oh wrong site.
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