Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can I really make a whole blog out of quetions?

Did you think this was going to be a Q&A? Did you know its not?

Has anyone ever tried this before? to only use questions in a blog? to make it completely void of statements? Does intonation count?

Why can't my brain think of anything to say that might be worth while in question form? Do you think it's because brains only ask questions when they want answers and not when they need to say something?

What was I thinking?

Do you want to see some pictures? No? How about some of my cousins?! Don't you like that idea?

Have you met Elder Despain? Did you know he is a missionary in New Zealand at the moment?

Have you seen his guns?

What do you think missionaries do in their spare time? Did you know that in NZ, do this...?

Have you ever been to New Zealand? Did you know that you don't have to see it to know it's beautiful? The first time you heard the name of that glorious country, you said, "Man that place is beautiful" right? Do you want all your wildest dreams to come true?

Could it be possible that there are things more beautiful in NZ than the scenery? I'm guessing you haven't seen their missionaries or small children, right?

Have you had enough of Jared? If not and you want to write to him, did you know that you can leave me a comment? Did I mention that he comes home in a month? No? Wait, I just did? Well, aren't you clever?!

Do you think it's time to some more cousins?

Have you even seen a cuter little girl with such a cute name? How many kids do you know named Ila? What? You can't pronounce that? Would you have guessed it's like eye-la and it rhymes with Bella?

Would you like to know that I'm related to everyone in that picture and that it was taken at my grandparents house?

Have you even seen so many guys eating lunch around a pickup looking so great?

Did you want to know their names? Would it be funny to you if I told you that I couldn't tell you all of them, other than Jick (who is barely visible and is wearing a red shirt), Frank Allen (in the plaid behind the one in the baseball cap), my Uncle Frank (in the baseball cap), Larry Gibson (in the green with his back to us), his son, Willy (in the vest), Cy (sounds like sigh, stuffing his face), and Dallyn (sitting on the tire)? I think I just named them all...?

Would you guess that I've finally run out of questions?

How long was I thinking this would be? Pages of brilliant questions? Did I think I was gong to use pictures to fill up space? What would you say?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Anarchy that I Run

Things I should be doing right now:
-going to the UPS store
-calling people to find a place to stay

Things I am doing right now:
-writing a blog.
-reading BEDA buddies' blogs
-waiting for my cousin to call
-feeling sorry for myself
-(a while later) no longer feeling sorry for myself

Hello BEDA friends!

I hate packing and everything that has to do with moving right now. But let's talk about something fun!

If I had a super power, what would it be?

Well, let me start off by saying what I know it wouldn't be: speed, agility, strength, or invisibility. Those are all so cliche.

I'd want to be able to change shape. Take on other people's appearances as well as look like animals and inanimate objects. That would be cool.

I'd also have a freakishly good memory. I'd be able to quote lengthy conversations and describe scenes in detail years after the fact. This would also be handy when I'm trying to tell someone what really happened on the Lightening Struck Tower, or the real lyrics to the song.

What would I do with my powers?

I would use them to become the ultimate cage fighting champion.

Oh wait, that was Pete, Monica's boyfriend on Friends! Silly mistake.

No, I wouldn't really be evil, but I would use them to become eliminate all other evil doers (except Dr. Horrible, who has a PhD in Horribleness and a bachelors in AWESOME!) therefore I would be the most evil one out there, which isn't really saying much. So I guess this would actually make me a good guy....?

Except for my love of practical jokes, which I will play all the time because of my shape shifting ability! One minute I'm a chair someone is about to sit in and the next I'm a rug or a penny and the sitter falls to the floor and their chair has disappeared! Eavesdropping for my own personal gain and the defeat of more supreme evils!!! *laughs evilly*

So, once I defeat all other evil, I will be free to reek havok all over the earth and BAHAHAHAHA!!!!

So basically I'm going to be the supervillain form of Peeves! I'm excited!!!

What will my super villain name be?

Well, Peeves and Dr. Horrible are both taken...

as well as Princess Consuela, and Crap Bag...


Until tomorrow,
Master of Misdeeds!

PS I googled the name and IT WASN'T TAKEN!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Santa,

So I know it's only April 20th, and I still have a long time until Christmas, but I was thinking that it would be good if I got my letter to you early this year. I'm sorry that I haven't writen to you in years. I think that's why most of my Christmas's have not been what I expected.

I hope it doesn't feel like a copout to write my letter to you on Maureen Johnson's ning but I figured this is the fastest way to get it to you. I'm sure a lot of people are unaware of the fact that you are even doing BEDA. I know how much you love MJ (as we all do) since you guys are besties for life.

Before I tell you what I want this Christmas, I think I should thank you for all the hard work you and the elves put in every year. If you see Buddy, tell him "HI!" for me. Thanks!

First of all, I'm still waiting for my pony. But now I'm too big for a pony. So please send me one of these instead, preferably between the ages of 20 and 25.

Also, I have a lot of books on my wish list this year. Can copies (first edition, signed, hardcover and paperback, please and thanks) of each of of the following books be waiting under the tree?

It would also be nice to get a new phone. I don't really care which kind, but please, not one of these.

Actually, this one would be nice. The phone, not Will Ferrell.

I also want shoes,

and a car,

and new clothes,

and diamonds.

Thanks again, Mr. Claus! Have a great summer and have fun with the rest of BEDA!

Yours Truely,

PS. Actually, I still want want a pony. Just have my Brad Pitt look-a-like ride it into the living room, pick me up one handed, throw me on the back, and lead us into the sunset. Thanks!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big Brother and Big Problems

WARNING!!!! I am going to tell you about my stresses.

Within the next five days I have to move, possibly twice. It's the end of the semester, therefore my apartment contract, here at BYU. So I have to go back home to Phoenix. Not a big deal. UNTIL!!! yesterday when my dad told me that we are going to be moving out of our house on FRIDAY!

Moving to my grandparent house.

Near (not even in) a small northern Arizona town

Where I'm related to about 60% of the male population.

Who are hot cowboys.

Where I can't access the internet.

That's a two hour drive from the airport.

After I've booked very expensive tickets to NYC and Hawaii.

Two trips that are days apart.

Yeah, I'm not very happy about this. I'm trying to find someone to stay with in Phoenix but this whole thing is so last minute... I would just go if it weren't for the fact that I have things to DO in PHOENIX, close to internet access, stores, public transportation, people, skyscrapers, etc.

Really this is my only stress but whatever. It's a big one.


Now I have to think of something interesting for you to read.... HOW ABOUT ANOTHER STORY!? It's another short story from my creative writing class. We were asked to take one of our favorite stories and write a story in that world. I wrote about 1984, by George Orwell.This is still pretty rough and it could use a lot of work now that I'm allowed as many words as I want. I don't plan on ever publishing this; it was just fun. ANYWAY!!! Here it goes!

A Kiss in 1984
Adam Taylor looked at me. The right side of his mouth popped up and his bright green eyes lowered to the floor after meeting my brown ones for a half second. He glanced at the telescreen on the cantina wall, daring it to punish him for his current thoughts.
We work on the same floor in the Ministry of Peace, under the “Big Brother is watching” poster. I’ve never spoken to him, but I’ve seen his name plate many times. He is tall and young with broad shoulders and a square jaw. In my opinion, he’s Oceania’s most beautiful Party member. Sometimes, I picture myself running my pale hands through his short, dark hair.
Then I remember my position and the rumors I’ve heard about those who commit thoughtcrimes: they disappear.
Adam Taylor has no business looking at me. My hair is dull and my eyes are as ordinary as the rest of me. My record with the Thought Police is spotless and I’m the president of my neighborhood Junior Anti-Sex League. I warn girls about men that look at us the way Taylor just looked at me: they are dangerous enemies of Big Brother.
Therefore, it surprises me how much I enjoyed that brief interaction with Taylor. I had seen something in his eyes and I wanted to see more.
I quickly apologize for my thoughts. I am a good Party member.
Yes, Adam Taylor is dangerous, I decide.
As I turn a corner on my way back to work, someone grabs me, pulls me into a small, shadowed alcove, and covers my mouth.
“It’s me,” a smooth tenor voice whispers in my ear, “Adam Taylor.”
He is holding me against his body with one hand on my back, and our cheeks are together. This is closer than I have ever been to a man, closer than Big Brother permits.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Please don’t scream.”
I nod as best I can, because I believe him and I want to know his secrets.
Taylor removes his hand from my mouth, giving me room to look at him. We stare at each other. I marvel at his beauty, and wonder what he sees in me. His eyes search my face for a moment before they stop on my lips.
“You are so beautiful,” Taylor says.
He leans forward and our lips meet. It’s my first kiss. I resist at first but he is too strong, though very gentle. I like the way his lips move against mine, and soon I am mimicking his actions.
As this continues, I realize that everything I know about Big Brother is wrong.
Suddenly, rough hands grab me and pull me away from Adam. I struggle to return to his kinder arms. Several men in black overalls are trying to restrain him.
“I love you,” he yells.
One man punches his jaw and they continue to beat him.
“I love you too!”
Someone slaps me.
The Thought Police are already here to make us disappear.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wizard Love!

So I JUST finished watching the documentary We Are Wizards. Its about the Harry Potter fandom and several very influential people in that group. I'm sure that it is kind of old and I am WAY behind on the times with this but how could I not blog about it?

So if you haven't watched it, I suggest you do. But I warn you that it is over an hour long. Or you could not watch it as I am about to basically summarize it for you!

Short clip of crazy British woman who thinks Harry Potter leads children to evil.

Skip to Harry and the Potters, wizard rock group of infamy! Two brothers who basically created the genre. They have dorky laughs and I love it.

Enter the Hongarian Horntails and their family. By far my favorite parts of the doc. were of them, but that's because they are seven and four year old boys singing about dragons and magic and stuff.

(PS Lindsay just said that she was thinking about Dr. Horrible while shaving her legs. me: *laughs likes its the best thing I've seen since DR. Horrible, because it was!*)

Then we have the Wizard People guy. He saw Sorcerers Stone and loved it so he created his own audio version of the movie to be played with the video that involves a lot more swearing and inaccurate dialogue, but it's the same general* idea as the film.

Stuff about Melissa Anelli, the creator of the Leaky Cauldron and author of Harry, A History.

And some stuff about the girl who was the face of Potter Wars. Very cool girl.

Then back to crazy Brit, who probably knows more about magical cults than any Harry Potter fan just because she's dedicated herself to fighting it. I haven't heard of half the stuff she talked about, but I haven't heard about a millionth of anything.

And repeat about five times.

In Conclusion, Wizard Rock is AMAZING, seven year olds are cute, Wizard People guy is now a cartoonist and he has everything because of his fan-ness, Melissa Anelli is awesome, Potter Wars girl is also awesome and wants to be a race car driver and she the war with WB got her through a very hard time in her life with her disease, and crazy Brit lady is still crazy and thinks Satan is attacking children through Harry Potter. The end.

So, even though it was a little odd, I still found this whole video fascinating! Who knew about Mr. Wizard People? Not me. And even though I had a vague recollection of the Potter Wars, I didn't know the the person behind it was a 16 year old girl with a fatal disease! How awesome is she? VERY I TELL YOU! VERY!!!!

And as for crazy Brit. She felt like the joke of the whole thing. Why did they include her?

So, I must say that I am very proud to be part of the Harry Potter fandom. Before Twilight, way back in middle school, I was the Harry Potter girl. Even in high school, if someone need some sort of Harry Potter trivia answered, they came to me. And even though I've only been to one midnight book release, and I only own one of the movies and I'm missing the fourth book, I am a fan and it's in a big way. Loving the world from JKR's head isn't about how much stuff you have, it's about the space it hold in your heart and the amount of time you think about it a day.

No, I am not a wizard. I am a Muggle and I am proud of it!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Books mostly...

So today was pretty awesome!

First of all, I stayed up all night finishing I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. It was really good and three days over due :) I cried so hard at the part with Marv!!

Then I went to sleep at 5 am!

Woke up around 3 in the afternoon and got online. I signed into Skype and for the first time ever, I was invited into the chat with my ning friends without that inviation coming from my roommate, Lindsay. It was awesome! I was on it for about 2 hours. During that time, we talked about Dr. Horrible, played the Wikipedia Game, and talked about a lot of other random things. Of course.

I went to the dollar theater and saw He's Just Not That Into You. It was good, and entertaining and I think it's a movie all girls could learn from but it's not really a movie I'd watch over and over again, unless I was in a dating rut and needed some emotional chick-flick help.

And when I got home, I got back online to write my blog and to my great surprise I had BEDA BUDDIES!!! I'm very excited. Great idea MJ! I can see good bloging times ahead! To my buddies, if you are reading this, since you don't know very much about me, you should read my blog from the 9th. It's basically all about me!

Also, my roommate went to the library and picked up Let It Snow, by John Green, MJ, and Lauren Myracle. I'm really excited to read it but I have to read Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen first. I can't believe how much reading I've done lately. I love it, but it is very mind boggling. Some of the stories are running together in my head and I forget some completely. I've already read 18 books this year! This Dessen book is the last one of hers I need to read. I love books!!!

Anyway, it was a good day. Happy weekend!


PS. I forgot about every thing I did before going to bed other than reading. I watch Dr. Horrible, and an episode of How I Met Your Mother, and the new Half-blood Prince trailer... four times. It is amazing I am VERY excited for that movie!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Incredibly OUTRAGEOUS and Nearly UNATAINABLE but Not IMPOSSIBLE (for the most part)

I'm talking about the crazy wishes I have but that will never, most likely, come true.

My top wishes:

5. Be a mermaid when I grow up.

This has been a wish of mine since I was a little. I thought that I could just grow a tail and live in the sea, or a swimming pool. My sister and I would play mermaid at the public pool and our "tails" were like mood rings. It was great. How cool would it be to be a mermaid anyway? I mean, you get to swim all day, and play with the underwater creatures, and wear sea shell bras, and splash in the water with hot, shirtless guys. Sounds like a perfect life to me.

4. Eat Otter Pops for every meal for the rest of my life.

Really, this is only because I am eating one right now and I love otter pops. I know that they are made of just sugar, water, and coloring, so I would probably die after like a month, from malnutrition.

3. Become a Hogwarts teacher.

I'd be the music or drama teacher, since I'm not actually a witch. It would be awesome. Even though Hogwarts is all about learning magic, I think that an education needs the arts. It's really the only think that Hogwarts lacks. I could claim to be a muggle-born Squib, then they might let me teach.

2. Travel the world...

in a canoe.

Just kidding. But I do want to travel the world. In one trip preferably. I'll take that year long trip Dumbledore never got to go on because of his mother's death. It's not like I want to see every sight; no, that would be impossible, even in a year, if I wanted to enjoy every city. I want to "live" in each city in for a few weeks to know what it's really like there.

The cities I want to see: London, Paris, Berlin, Venice, Rome, Athens, Ciro, Johannesburg, Moscow, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney...

And India, South America, Mexico, Antartica, and the Netherlands are also on my list but I don't know exactly where I would go there.

1. Marry a man who is the perfect mix of...

James McAvoy- for kissing ability (of course I've never kissed him, but just looking at his "talents" on screen proves he is the best kisser EVER. Plus, Kira Knightly said out of all the guys she's locked lips with in the movies, James is the best. What other proof do you need? SEKRIT: I watcch the kiss in Penelope at least twice every time).

Brad Pitt- for his incredible hotness. duh!

Ron Weasley- for boy-ish attitude

A musician- to serene me daily.

and John and Hank Green, all of Sarah Dessen's good guys, Robin Williams, Jacob Black, and Michael Cera- for pure awesomeness!

What are your craziest wishes?

PS- it took me like three hours to make this list.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is BEDA failing me or am I failing BEDA?

For like three days, I've been resisting the urge to make lists as a way of coping out for BEDA. If I had done lists for three days, my blog would be a fail. Heck, just doing a list out of boredom and lack of nothing better to do is a fail in my book. But that's what I want to do. My brain isn't working.

Actually it is working, but I don't want to post because I feel like BEDA isn't really giving back to me. I write everyday and they are funny, well thought out posts (most of the time) but how the heck am I to know if anyone is gaining from my words?

I wouldn't say that the things I've been writing about are important, mostly it's just nonsense. But I still said them and it is worth hearing. Everything that's been said for the past 15 days due to BEDA is worth hearing.

How does MJ do it? Write funny, entertaining things everyday without feeling like she is running out of things do say?

Honestly, I haven't been reading a lot of blogs, or commenting on the ones I do read. I guess its a little like Karma or that saying "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." IF I WANT PEOPLE TO READ MY POSTS AND COMMENT ON THEM, I SHOULD READ AND COMMENT ON OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOGS!

I think that part of my problem is that I've learned that if I don't like something, just walk away from it, whether that be a book or an awkward situation or a person, or a blog post. I'm sorry to all the bloggers I have walked away from. You don't know who you are, and I don't remember you individually, but I feel the weight of you. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Please accept this gift as a token of my sincerest apologies.

Now on to better news, because I do feel much better.

So there's this band that I kinda love, called Big Surrender, and they just posted a new song to their myspace called I Tried. It won't be up for long *begins to cry* but *perks up again* I'm very happy they released it on their Japanese album because Ryan Lallier (guitar and vocals) actually wrote it and performed it on the album. He's my favorite. When I saw them in concert about a month and a half ago, I was totally flirting with him and when I met him after the show, Ryan said that I made the show for him because I just looked like I was having so much fun. Please listen to them and befriend them and follow them on twitter and help me make them famous!

In other band news, I'm really excited for We Shot the Moon's new album "A Silver Lining" but I still must wait for it. They also have new songs on their myspace and they are great. I repeat my plea: help me make them famous!

In personal news, I don't know if I really have any... I saw Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D today with my roommates. It was so good! Very funny and the 3D was awesome.

So I guess that's all I have to say today. Thanks for listening to me rant (again) and for helping me make BS and WSTM famous ;)


This is Ryan and I at the concert! triple heart.

PS- my first HANKROLL!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Story by ME!

Well, I didn't really want to blog about this so soon, but I guess we are about half way through BEDA :( Therefore I am going to do it. I'm going to post a short story I wrote for my creative writing class last semester. This is actually a reworked excerpt from my novel. Tell me if you like it!

Some Courage

Paige couldn’t believe Jack’s suggestion. She thought it over for a whole minute, wondering if he felt the same way as she did.
“Okay, just as friends,” she said, believing she interpreted the meaning behind his façade correctly, while also using it to protect herself if he didn’t like her back.
She took a deep breath and made the first tentative movement toward him. Two more steps and there was only a foot of space left between them. The sudden nearness would have been terrifying if she weren’t completely sure that she didn’t want to be just friends, but it shredded her one ounce of confidence to pieces anyway.
Paige noticed the heavy rise and fall of Jack’s chest. The rhythm complemented her quickening heart beats.
“Um, okay,” Jack said, looking at his hands to hide a sudden smile. “Well… I don’t know what to do with these?”
Paige was alone in a classroom with her best guy friend and her first crush, who was asking to be her first kiss. How was she supposed to know what Jack should do with his hands when Paige couldn’t even remember her name?
She thought of their much more experienced friends, Matt and Jessica. Little inhibited their public displays of affection. At thirteen, Paige couldn’t understand why when Matt and Jessica kissed they seemed to use their hands more than their lips.
Paige shuddered. “I think we should keep them behind our backs.”
“Right.” Relief flooded his face as Jack clapped his hands together behind him. He looked directly into Paige’s green eyes and seemed momentarily stunned. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards. “Um,” he said, refocusing, with a shake of his head as her favorite half smile spread across his face. “I’ve never seen people kiss with their eyes open. How do they make sure not to miss?”
“I don’t know,” she said. Why was he smiling? This was not helping as she tried to focus on the coming kiss. “I’m just going to close my eyes and you do it, okay?”
“‘Kay,” he said with confidence. Paige saw mischief in his bright, hazel eyes. She knew he could sense her nervousness.
The tension in the middle of her chest, the one that always accompanied Jack’s presence, swelled, nearly suffocating her. Paige searched his face, wishing she could know what he had in mind for her when she closed her eyes.
“I’ll count to three.”
Paige squeezed her eyes shut.
“One.” Fear. “Two.” Panic. “Three.” Anxiety.
“Are you still there?” Paige asked nervously.
“Yes,” Jack whispered. Paige could feel his breath on her face.
Her heart caught mid-beat, stopping completely. “What are you waiting for?”
“Some courage,” Jack said. “Please don’t open your eyes.”
“Okay.” Trying not to smile and follow his request, Paige waited. “Please hurry.”
“‘Kay,” Jack said softly as he smoothed the wrinkles from her forehead and around her eyes with one finger before tucking a strand of her curly, black hair behind her ear. Her heart thudded once. Paige sighed, her jaw shaking nervously.
“One.” Anticipation. “Two.” Joy. “Three.” Elation.
All of Paige’s vital organs melted as Jack’s exquisitely soft, warm lips touched hers. If not for his hands on her face, she would have been a puddle at his feet. She felt her hands in his chocolate colored hair before thinking how nice it would be to have the thick locks around her fingers.
Jack broke the quick, gentle kiss but Paige kept her eyes closed. She felt his lips graze hers as he whispered, “Thank you.”
Paige’s halted heart beats raced through her chest all at once.
Jack released her face, and Paige’s hands were suddenly empty. She opened her eyes and looked around, disoriented. He was already half way out the door, mumbling something about homework.
“Some courage,” Paige said, rolling her eyes, as the door swung shut behind him, hoping he had heard.
“Some courage.” She gently pressed her fingers to her lip, remembering the way Jack’s lips had felt there; it held no comparison.
Paige smiled, gathered her books and Jack’s forgotten backpack, and left the classroom to find him.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. Please leave lots of comments. Thanks!


Monday, April 13, 2009

The (fake) Kissing Adventures of Me!

It all started a very long time ago, in the only other life I've lived on this earth. I don't actually remember how it happened, or who this guy is but my friend had a camera and emailed me this picture. It is rather lovely.

The first kiss I really remember happened when I was very little. I had a thing for boys in little shorts. It made their legs look spiffing. Actually I think that MY legs look quite spiffing in my little skirt!

After that I learned boys had cooties! I spent months disinfecting myself and it took me years to realize that boys, in fact, do NOT have cooties.

However, it was hard to break the habit of dodging whenever a boy came my way, lips puckered.

To break the habit, I practiced kissing with things between me and my current love. First it was windows.

Then I progressed to fences.

And on to nets.

And when I graduated from nets, I didn't need anything between us for the magic to happen, which everyone knows means rainbows!

And then I went through a period of being Asian....

When I got better, quite a while later, I was a little tired of kissing so I only went as far as hand holding. It was a sweet time.

A few days later, I joined the circus, where I played a a fish clown and I started dating another fish!

This is how we had to go out in public, because people look down upon fish clown love. We could only kiss like this.

That was a rather itchy and wet relationship, therefore it did not last long. We had a rather awkward ending so I had to leave the circus. It was a sad day, full of much less laughter than my days under the big top as a fish clown.

Then, I fell in love with my house painter. It was a messy relationship, to say the least.

I didn't stay with him long, just until the whole house was painted pink. It took me forever to find someone worthy of my kisses after that. I was starting to go through withdrawals. I had no one to kiss myself, but I shoes found their perfect match!

Lucky them!

One day, when the lack of kissing was really getting to my head, I just kind of attacked this poor boy. One second he was just walking by and suddenly we were in a bush....

Soon afterward the boy died.

I haven't kissed a boy since.

The end.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am a Happy Kid!

So the best thing that's happened to me today, other than having a great Easter at church and learning a lot about Jesus and stuff, is this little surprise that I had waiting for me in my email. There were actually two surprises! In the order that I receive them: We Shot the Moon is now following me on Twitter, and they also sent me a direct message!!!

REWIND!! This morning I saw two tweets from WSTM that said that they are working on a new album AND a b-side, so I tweeted that I was really excited about a lot of things, including those two things and Easters and I included an @reply.

So this is how they replied!

I WAS SOOOOO HAPPY TO SEE THIS!!! I made a face (=O but it was full of happiness) when I saw the email and my roommate was like "what?" but she was on the phone so I couldn't jump up and yell in excitement at my news! but I took my laptop over to her so she could read it and she smiled up at me and I was did a happy dance! She laughed at me.

I'm also excited about a We Shot the Moon concert in Phoenix (Tempe really) that is between the time I get back from New York and when I go to Hawaii. SO I'M DOING EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO GO SEE THEM AGAIN! Oh boy!

I heart Jonathan Jones (the lead singer and pianist)! and also Jason De la torre (the bass player) is very funny. When I met him, he told us about his poo and how he is keeping track of it in his "poo log." The only things he tweet about come out of his colon. It is funny.

Needless to say, I am a VERY happy girl right now!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rant, Regan, Random, Pottergram update

I'm not in the greatest mood right now and I feel like venting. Sorry.

My job at church isn't very hard, except when it comes to a few things. Well, just one thing. As the ward Relief Society Secretary, I am in charge of the roll and getting the visiting teaching report in every month. However, for as long as I've had this calling, the people who are suppossed to send me their reports don't do it in time, and that still hardly their faults because the teachers wait until the last minute to do their visiting. Yes I am guilty of this too so I am a little mad at myself.

BUT STILL!! The report is four days over due and we had to call the supervisors TODAY! to see if they had their reports done. And did they? NO! So, this just makes me look bad and that I don't do my job right but really, those other girls know what they have to do and they shouldn't wait for us to come a-callin' to get it done.


So anyway, have you heard of Brian Regan? If so, you know how awesome he is. If not, you should know that he is this really awesome comedian. I can't go onto an airplane without watching the other passagers with their lugage and thinking, "this is the size of a postage stamp and you have a DEAD YAK!" (LARGE carry on in the overhead). Also, I tend to talk with my hands and the actions don't really make sense so I often find myself saying "I don't understand my own visuals." Also, I have the tendancy to tell people "You too!" but they work their so they aren't going to have a good flight, or enjoy their meal, or whatever to my friends who are not going to do what I'm about to do.

and now I don't remember where I was going with this.... oops!

Don't you love me!?

I'll let you know whenever I remember :)

OO! Happy Easter Eve!

I'm just saying random stuff now.

Yesterday when I got home from my grandma's house I did some Pottergrams... I'M A NERD!! Yup it's official, because not only did I do it when I got home, I did it again, after my roommates were all asleep :) I try to do themes with my Pottergrams, and some times it is successful, and other times not.

My first one of the day, which I did while Lindsay was Skype chating with some ningers or else I probably would have been ODing on the web, I tried to use only muggle names. It was hard. I had to pull from the movies and that got crazy. Since Lindsay was on my computer I couldn't look up any of the names for spelling and we only have one of the movies in the apartment, so I used my Harry Potter Scene It? game to find names of actors and directors and such. Tis why it is out! PS I love that game.

So, I have a challenge for any of you who wish to take it! Tell me who each of the names are! Some of them have more than one person, but that's ok, I did mean both of them! Now, here's the trick! You can't google, IMDb, or use any other kind of web search to find who these people are. (the words you don't need to worry about because they aren't people, just in care you were wondering: AXE, BEZOAR, QUIBBLER, QUIZ, EXPECTO.) Enjoy!

For the second one, I wanted to just do places in London (I can't believe I forgot about Kings Cross), however, the books only mention about six places there so I had to turn to normal Harry Potter words.

I like how closely packed it is around AXEBANGER and the WEASLEY area. This was a big one. Seriously, it was about as long as my leg, which is long.

So before I went to my grandma's house this week I stopped by Jamba Juice on campus and grabbed a chunky strawberry yummy thing! and as I was waiting for it, this poster for the Divine Comedy (a BYU put on SNL-like skit based comedy group that is pretty much amazing. All clean jokes, all in fun, totally awesome!) They like to do parodies of movies. On one side of the banner was a pretty good copy of the Dark Knight movie poster, but it was spelled Dark KnYght, because BYU is locally known as "the Y", and on the other side was this...

It rocked my socks off. I just had to take a picture! PS I love Twilight! in case I haven't mentioned it before. So this basically made my day.

Again, happy Easter Ever!


PS! like 3 hours later!!
I remembered what I was going to say about Brian Regan!! He does this set about the instructions for poptarts and how they are so detailed for such a simple task. and how there are two sets of instructions, toaster and microwave (1. remove from pouch. 2. put in microwave for 3 seconds. "if you are so crunched for time that you need to zapfry your poptarts, you really need to loosen up your morning schedule") Well, I was eating poptarts earlier today and I didn't want to wait for the toaster so I put them in the microwave. Our microway sucks so I ended up putting them in there for about 15 seconds. they where yummy! and soft!! Anyway! I got to zapfry my poptarts!

Friday, April 10, 2009

You mean I'm not the only one on this planet?

So it's crazy that people are out there. Does that make sense? Like, I forget that people had lives before they met me and they continue to have them after we part. And it's mind blowing to think that everyone is so diverse personality wise.

So I was just thinking about this because on my way back from my grandma's house today (FYI I went to Idaho yesterday to see said relative) there was this kid on the bus that was just cracking me up, after he woke up from his nap and I took my head phones off of course. He was cute too, except for his beard thing. He had curly hair and blue eyes and therefore I loved him. not. but basically yeah. ;)

SO anyway! Even after talking with him and others for only an hour, I knew, or could tell so much about him.

Like I said, I forget that there are real people outside the circle of people I know. It's nice when I remember that others exist. It puts me back in my place and I appreciate them all so much more.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?

I also experience this phenomenon when I am catching up with people I've lost touch with and we are reuniting. I did that a lot over the last day, and there is much of that coming up in the months a head. With my mom's side of the family today, and some old family friends when I go home to Phoenix at the end of the month and school and church friends when I'm home. and again when I'm in Hawaii with other relatives and some more when I visit my friend in CT and we go to NYC (I'm super pumped by the way). It's nice to know that life goes on without me.

AND THEN there is thinking about just everyone else in the world that I don't know, doing crazy, adventurous things, or boring, normal things, whatever, just living their lives that I don't even know about and will never know about. Just think about the people doing BEDA. something like 350 participants? each one of them blogging and recording their lives and sharing them with us. And when April ends, they will STILL be OUT THERE... LIVING!!! even though they aren't recording it for us.


See this is why I believe in journals. and biographies, and memoirs. man a live!

Anyway, enough psycho babble for one day!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

just a few things YOU should know

So, on day 9 of BEDA, I figure that it's probably time to tell everyone about myself. I mean you already know that I am a Harry Potter geek, said most affectionately, and you know all of my favorite things and that I talk to myself in public chatrooms just for the... thrill? *shrugs* Also, if you are looking closely, you might have noticed some other things about me, but I feel I should elaborate.

One of the biggest parts of my life, my identity, is that I'm LDS (Latter-day Saint) or more commonly known as Mormon. I have been my whole life. Don't believe everything you hear about us. This really isn't the place to talk about all of that, but if you have any questions, feel free to check out the church website or you can ask me (but I beg that you don't leave comments attacking me or my religion. It goes against everything nerdfighter/awesome).

Also, as long as we are still being serious, my mom passed away a little over a month before my eleventh birthday. Oct. 12, 1999. This is a HUGE part of who I am and what I believe. It also dominates my memory and I miss her everyday. This October will mark the tenth year I've lived without seeing her, but I know she's with me everyday. I don't want to go into details, because I am close to tears just thing about things I want to say, but, in the unoffical words of Edward Cullen in Midnight Sun, I want to "keep it light."

Yes, I am also one of those Twilight girls. I first read the series just before Christmas in 2007, all three books in 4 days. I was hooked. I followed all the news I could get my hands on about the movie, which was just getting underway at that point. Last August, I went to a midnight release for Breaking Dawn and bought a copy there, even though I had preodered a copy on amazon. (I needed two anyway because I have two copies of all the others.) My roommates and I dressed up, as the books. Our picture was in the campus newspaper even. I'm sure if the BYU bookstore had been holding a costume contest we would have won. Here's a picture!

Heck, we were even put on Stephenie Meyer's website (about halfway down, between a Jacob with a bunch of Bella's going to prom and and an Entertainment Weekly). We thought that was pretty cool.

In other news, I am an author. Don't worry, you haven't heard of me (I know you were so worried about that). I started my six part series in sixth grade, after reading Harry Potter (yeah, I'm also one of those people). My story has changed a lot since then and I'm half way through typing my first book. I actually have the first three and a half done, not to mention bits and pieces of the other books, but it's all hand written.

So what is the series about? you may ask. WELL! It's about this teenage American witch who just happens to be the target of the most evil creature known to mankind. Not because of some prophecy. No. It's because she is the future queen of the Magical Kingdom of the New World. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, she is a princess. The series follows her though six years of her magical education, her battles against evil, and her trials with love. Actually, it's very heavey in the romance department. I know less about the magic than I do about how the relationships end. :) hehe. (Again, feel free to ask about it! You'd make my day.)

My goal, as stated in a pervious BEDA post, is that I finish typing by November and start contacting publishers before the new year.

You might have deduced, using your super spidy senses or your stealthy nerdfighter powers of awesomeness or your ability to read, that I go to Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah. I am only a sophomore and I haven't actually declaired my major yet, which is English Teaching. (PS- how cool would it be if your high school English teacher was also a famous author? That's my goal.) This is my last semester for a while however, because I'm taking the rest of the year off and moving to Hawaii. I haven't decided when I'm coming back, if I even will come back to Provo. So future plans are still up in the air right now.

Some of my other passions.

  • Music, playing. I started on the flute in fourth grade. Then in high school, I played piccolo in marching band (I'm just all kinds of nerd) and switched to French horn for concert session. I was Drum Major for two years (they're the ones who stand on those wricketty ladders and wave their arms around so everyone knows where the heck they are in the music) and I also played in the steel band.
  • Music, listening to. Who doesn't like that, right? I'm super excited about going to a We Shot the Moon concert in May. VERY VERY excited. I heart them, MUCHO! Listen to them and love them and tell your friends about them.
  • Reading. DUH! I just finished Looking for Alaska (John Green, but I bet you knew that) about an hour ago. Seriously. I finished it and started this. So far this year I've read 17 books. I don't have a goal to hit, but I just want to read AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!! this year.
  • Children. Seriously, they are amazing. Funny, honest, absolutely adorable, and hyper. What more could you want in a friend?
  • Guys, the male species (human, just thought I should clarify. I'm not THAT kind of girl). Really. I don't have a type because too much is appealing and I can't pick. I just love guys.

So, yeah, that's me in a (pretty detailed) nutshell. Oh and I'm 20 years old with long brown hair that I've cut myself for about three years; I'm orginally from Phoenix, AZ; I'm about 5'8"; eat like a fat kid cuz I am one; easliy excitable; enjoys long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and cuddling- oh wrong site.



Ning fail!

So did you know I talk to myself? (OH THAT EXPLAINS THE NAME OF THE BLOG!!! and so much else...) Well, I don't actually do it very much, out loud, for other people to hear. I mostly imagine how I want conversations with OTHER PEOPLE to go, but for some reason they never happen that way -turns out I am horrible at guessing what other people are thinking.

Well, yesterday the inner exhibitionist (don't go there pervs) in me got a little carried away and I talked to my self on MJ's ning... because no one else was talking and I was hoping that others would 1. join in or 2. would keep reading until I COMPLETELY embarassed myself. For some reason, I like to do that.

Well, shortly after this and some talking about what I was up to at the time (thinking about how awesome BEDA is and the movie Rudy) the ning chat failed and no other post could be made. I did continue to post however in the hopes that it was just my computer faweakin' its head off, for the benefit of all the MJ fans, and even MJ herself because she was at least signed on at the time.

STUPID NING FAIL!! I was also hoping that Maureen was going to say that she loved my mental babble on the chat. I will never know.

And although this is a great blog for the day, it is still early and I might MIGHT!! post again later.

to my loyal fans,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I think, today being the seventh, that it is appropriate to tell you all about my favorite Harry Potter game.

It is not, however, a real game based on the series. The real game is called Bananagrams. 144 tiles are used to create words in a crossword-like board. In our version, the way my roommate Lindsay and I play, we make words from the greatest books and movies ever made*. We seriously play this game at least twice a week.

This was my first Pottergram, so it was kind of experimental. Instead of spliting the tiles in half, we played so you start with 21 and drew one more each time each of us used all of our tiles, but we "dumped" (discared one tile in exchange for three more) so much that we might as well have divided them all in half anyway. haha. As you can tell we got kinda excited and took pictures with the books. *giggles nerdily*

Oh man, this was the first time I did it alone, using all the tiles while timing myself. I finished in about 50 minutes, but when Lindsay was checking it, she found that I had left the H off the end of Hepzibah.... 30 minutes later, I had this. I got to keep most of the words from before, which makes me happy. I'm especially proud of getting most of Dumbledore's name. I had the whole thing before... the incedent, but I couldn't get it in after rearranging.

There are others between these too but they aren't remarkable.

I like this one because of how compact it is. I like Accio and Romilda. It was funny- I was reaching for the seventh book but it was just a little too far away and I was waving my fingers at it in a "come hither" way, then I looked at my roommate for help even though she was farther away than me, and she said Accio Deathly Hallows, like the video. I couldn't stop laughing.

I did this one this morning, alone again. Don't worry, these are all words in the books, well mabe not SUV (my defense is that the Dursley's seem like SUV people). I really like grapefruit and Liechtenstein, and Ferrari. I tried to use obscure Potter words only, but I was running out of options, hence Nox and Peeves.

*I don't actually think that the Harry Potter movies are the best films ever made and the books are just way up there, top twenty for sure.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Favorite things (no fail)- Day 6

So I'll make sure not to screw this up again.

COLORS: purple, pink, and green
BOOKS: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince by JK Rowling, 1984 by George Orwell, Girl at Sea and Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson, Just Listen and The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen, Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo by Obert Skye.
MOVIES: (well actually, I don't have any favorite movies, just ones I like a whole lot so here they are...) Ladder 49, I am Sam, Stepmom, Twilight, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, P.S. I Love You, Remember the Titans, Sleeping Beauty, She's the Man.
SONGS (according to my play count on iTunes, anything over 100): Hello Beautiful by the Jonas Brothers, Place I'd Like to Be by Big Surrender, Hold On by Plain White T's, When You Look Me in the Eyes by JB, Let Me Take You There by PWT's, Here(in your arms) by Hellogoodbye, Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift.
QUOTE (at the moment): "This is to protect your junk in war" Duff, Ace of Cakes
CHARACTERS: Luna Lovegood, Dobby, Clover Ernest, Ezra the toothpick, Ron Weasley in PotterPuppetPals, Jacob Black, Alice Cullen,
BEVERAGE: Sprite and Water, but not together. eww.
FOOD: Chocolate!!
DESSERT: Chocolate. basically any form. except chocolate ice cream. I think it's odd.
HOLIDAY: Either Halloween or Fourth of July... it's hard to say. Candy and costumes v. parades and fireworks... YOU DECIDE!
FINGER: My pinkie. Pink was once my absolute favorite color so everything involving it was also my favorite. I even had a teddy bear (possibly a teddy cat) names Pinkie.
DAY OF THE WEEK: Monday. Weird right? It's because one, it comes early in the week, so the worst of it is over quickly. Two, there are a lot of great TV shows that night. Three, I have a great FHE family and we rock.
YOUTUBE VIDEO: Mysterious Ticking Noise
TV SHOWS (by network because I have too many): One Tree Hill, Heroes, Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles, What Not To Wear, Ace of Cakes, Ghost Whisperer.
UNKNOWN MYSPACE BANDS: Taylor Warren, Big Surrender, Sleepwell, and Matt Messner.

So I know I had a more, at lest planned out before, but I can't remember, so I'm done.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, again.

So just remember that all of these were on facebook orignally and I am a big fan of that place. Don't judge the stupidity and all.

April 5

um, so I don't know what to say today. I'm not ready to redo my failed favorite things blog.

I have a headache. no bueno. but i'm back in provo. mucho bueno. however, I need to go gracery shopping. also no bueno. I'm also sleepy, so I think no bueno wins.

not much happened today, just flying home. there was a baby in my row and he got kinda sick. poor thing. the mommy and daddy were cute together thuogh.

so I'm boring. I don't even know if people are reading this and I'm just wasting my time. Let me know if you are because that would be nice.

April 4

Well, first of all, I decided to stay in Phoenix an extra day. If it weren't for all the stuff I left in provo, like some great roommates and a calling, oh and like half my junk, I'd concider staying. Period.

I just watched Twilight. Again. This is my fifth (?) viewing. And I still love it, extremely. I still can't breathe when Edward and Bella dance in his room. I hyperventilate everytime Carlisle walks into the hospital and when Jasper is twirling the baseball bat. Mike still makes me laugh and Angela keeps getting funnier. Edward still looks the best when he is telling Bella that he's going to take her to meet the family and he fixes her truck, just before the very funny stare off between him and Billy. You know what I mean.

Enough gushing.

Today was the first day of General Conference. I slept through both sessions, because I didn't sleep again last night. "As long as I'm going to hell anyway..." (sorry, more twilight. And I know I didn't get that quote right but close enough is good enough. That half version is from the movie anyway, so that's especially true :))

So, I write, right? (Couldn't resist). And as more people are reading my first book, or at least part of it, I tend to spill a lot of secrets. Its mostly to whoever is around as I'm typing because I'll find a line particularly funny and have to share. BUT there is a huge secret that I'm keeping and it killing me not to tell Lindsay, my roomie who is reading my story. I've already told her a really big one and it makes her sad. Its a sad secret. and I am always really close to saying something hinty about the hugest secret of all, even just now, I constantly have to think about what I'm saying so little hints don't escape. Even to say who the secret is about would be huge.

I wish I could go to Foo and burry this thing. I'd keep the key with me but I wouldn't be carrying the burden of this knowledge with me anylonger. I mean, its not like this secret is about distroying all the sycophants but its still pretty big.

Anyway, that's enough info for you today!


April 3

almost didn't make it today! But I suceed!

Let me just say that I'm STILL mad about yesterday.

Today, I saw two of my friends in a play, the one I told you about a few days ago. It was flippin amzing!! The guy did this little tushie shaking dance. FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! I wish I had gotten a video of it. But dint worry, I bought the dvd. I also took lots of pictures and some video of a few songs. Everyone in the show did a great job and I'm so proud of everyone!

Before the show I got to hang out in the band room, which was my home away from for 4 years, and talk to Mr. Hayward. It was nice to talk. I miss band, playing and the people and marching and my horn :( but its ok. Don't worry, I don't miss the drama :)

But I do miss drama... it seems like it would be more fun than ever. Why did they have to do TWO musicals AFTER I graduated? I have no idea.

Anyway, home is good. As usual, my room was trashed when I got here. But whatever. Family though, I love to see!Look for pictures from the play soon!


April 2

I'm going to be in Phoenix within the next 12 hours and I'm too excited to sleep! ( like that old disney land commercial!)

SO! I'm doing this instead!

A few minutes ago I watched a youtube video by the vlogbrother Hank Green, brother of John Green the author (check them out they rock! ). It was called "A Few of My Favorite Things." With that as my inspiration....

SONGS (accourding to my iTunes):

Ok, so I am an IDIOT! I had most of the above things COMPLETED!!!! when I .... GRRR. I clicked to go to a friend's profile.... now I'm too mad at myself to redo any of this at the moment. I went back to this page and the above is what I had saved. there were links and stupid Geri jokes and everything!

now it's all gone.

go ahead. laugh. I'm going to bed.

to be continued like, monday (with other stuff in between).

Welcome... ME!!

So I just got this so maybe more people will be able to read my BEDA posts. I'm going global.

and now I will bring all my posts from facebook here.

April 1

Blog Every Day April

It is this thing started by Maureen Johnson, a young adult author that I love. The concept is just to blog everyday in April. It was just a personal goal for her but a lot of her fans decided to join in. This is my version.

Just so you know, I already know that I will not -WAIT!!! nevermind. I was going to say that I couldn't blog everyday because of the times that I'm not going to have access to the traditional net BUT!!! I have facebook on my phone. So, nevermind!

Let's get started for real.

Tomorrow I'm going home! I'm excited, hence the exclaimation points!!!!! There are two main reasons to this trip. 1) My high school (GO SPARTANS!) drama club is performing their spring musical (invoke the voice of the drama teacher from HSM). Once Upon a Mattress. My two of my friends are the leads, and a ton of other people I know are involved. Last year, I saw them do Suessical the Musical, and it was pretty much amazig. 2) I have to move home at the end of the month and I have too much crap for one trip. :)

Oh, and secret (meaning implied/I almost forgot) number 3) I miss my family.

So I've just set a new goal for myself, other than BEDA. I want to have my frist book all typed up by my birthday in Novemember. So far I'm about half way done at 154 pages and 38,727 words. I anticipate finishing early with all the time I'm going to spend between the beach and Starbucks in Hawaii this summer. This means I am going to be sending out to pubishers before the end of the year!! That is super exciting!

Ok, so the end! have a great day!