I hope it doesn't feel like a copout to write my letter to you on Maureen Johnson's ning but I figured this is the fastest way to get it to you. I'm sure a lot of people are unaware of the fact that you are even doing BEDA. I know how much you love MJ (as we all do) since you guys are besties for life.
Before I tell you what I want this Christmas, I think I should thank you for all the hard work you and the elves put in every year. If you see Buddy, tell him "HI!" for me. Thanks!
First of all, I'm still waiting for my pony. But now I'm too big for a pony. So please send me one of these instead, preferably between the ages of 20 and 25.
Also, I have a lot of books on my wish list this year. Can copies (first edition, signed, hardcover and paperback, please and thanks) of each of of the following books be waiting under the tree?
It would also be nice to get a new phone. I don't really care which kind, but please, not one of these.
Actually, this one would be nice. The phone, not Will Ferrell.
I also want shoes,
and a car,
and new clothes,
and diamonds.
Thanks again, Mr. Claus! Have a great summer and have fun with the rest of BEDA!
Yours Truely,
PS. Actually, I still want want a pony. Just have my Brad Pitt look-a-like ride it into the living room, pick me up one handed, throw me on the back, and lead us into the sunset. Thanks!
You're a nerd! This is hilarious!