Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
my last BEDA post
Sunday, April 11, 2010
WEDO (oh look this is like an actual blog)

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
untitled as of now
You ran your thumb around your iPod’s click wheel, scrolling down through 180 GB of song titles without really seeing them. You weren’t actually listening to anything because your headphones were broken from chewing on the cord. That didn’t stop you from doing it now.
Instinctively stopping, you pulled the headphones out of the jack and jammed your iPod onto the beat up docking station, pressed play and jumped to your feet. You danced inappropriately fast to the song’s slow beginning, knowing it would match the upcoming tempo change, and sang along loudly.
By the first chorus there were tears streaming down your cheeks as you thought about me and how this song perfectly described our break up.
You know you messed up and there is no going back. Neither of us can forgive you and it hurts. It hurts so much that all you can do is scream the lyrics and thrash around in the darkness of your bedroom and you never want it to stop because it will mean that we are over.
But you suddenly find yourself on the bed sobbing as the song ends. You scream my name into your pillows and my face is all you can see.
And then I stop kidding myself, because I know you don’t care and I’m the one crying in my bed as my favorite song that was never really about my completely imagined relationship with you plays again.
Ok, so it took me hours to write that. I hope it makes sense. That it is all actually the narrator talking about what she is doing the whole time. It doesn't have to be a girl, that's just how I picture it in my head. The song is Bruised by Jack's Mannequin but again it could be any song that makes one feel like that.
Feed back please?
And in case you were curious, it ended up being 240 words.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
last minute blogging.
- Doctor Who
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Torchwood
- David Tennant
- getting a good night's sleep
- hanging out on skype
Sunday, April 4, 2010
random post
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
I have an announcement
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It is that time of the year again
I know MJ hasn't like started this up this year but I decided (about 10 minutes ago) that I'm just going to do it. Who knows how well this will go.
- moved to hawaii
- started a collab channel on youtube
- started a personal vlog
- cat-i-tude/OperationHPValerie
- got a job
- went to NYC
- watched the new seasons of Doctor Who (omg the new episodes start this weekend I'm so excited)
- kinda fell away from the church
- got back into the chuch
- turned 21
Monday, March 15, 2010
I actually miss high school
-playing music daily
-homework that didn't require my brain that much
-not having to worry about stuff
-actually having time to write because I wasn't on the internet
-something of a love life even if that means I was really pathetic
this doesn't mean I'd want to relive high school or just stay in it forever. that's not healthy. at all. I just want to be more like the person I was then while still being who I am today.
Friday, January 29, 2010
it is about a boy about to start his last year of high school and he doesn't know what to do with his life. He feels stuck. Then a girl comes into the picture and helps him get unstuck by breaking into a graveyard at night. approximately 2500 words.
just so you know, there is some mild language in it. I really believe in writing how the characters would speak. and well, they don't speak like me. No f-bombs or either b word. like I said. mild language.
It's young adult fiction. my intended audience is 14+ and it's a romance. but I'm hoping that boys will like it too. My main character is a male, so this is new territory for me. Though the audience is kinda young, I'd like to hear from all age groups. Actually I'm hoping that the story will appeal to "real" adults too.
Anyway, just let me know if you are interested. most likely you are a friend of mine and therefor you know how to get a hold of me in a more secure setting, but if you just stumble across this and think it would be fun to help, contact me on twitter or facebook
thank you!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
WELL! I'm finally making a change. it's been a while in the making but I am just that cool.
I have motivation and goals. and plans. and I go OUTSIDE every other day!
So, that's all I have to say.
I'm cool.
Yours always,